Adult Bible Classes
We are lifelong learners, all of us. No matter how old we are, no matter how long we’ve been studying the Scriptures, and no matter how deep our understanding of Christian doctrine, we can always learn more! The Holy Bible, after all, is a work of profound complexity. It is the Word of God. He is its true author, and His is the mind behind its revelations.
And yet, one of the Bible’s most remarkable features is its accessibility. The basic teachings of Scripture can, by God’s design, be apprehended by virtually anyone willing to seek them out. The difficulty comes more when we try to apply the Bible’s wisdom to our daily lives.
This is where continuing Adult Bible Study can help. At Immanuel Lutheran Church, we offer two weekly adult Bible classes that meet year-round.
Sunday class runs 9:45-10:30 a.m. (or shortly following the 8:30 Divine Service). We are blessed to have Rev. Wheeler (our previous pastor who shepherded the flock at Immanuel for 34 years) lead this class, digging deeper into the Scripture readings or hymns of the day, as well as sometimes exploring other edifying topics. Children's Sunday School runs concurrently, so God's people of all ages have a chance to learn more about God's Word.​​
​​Wednesday class is 5:00 p.m., led by Pastor Wendorff. In our Wednesday studies we tend to explore and examine various books of the Bible, dig into key teachings of the faith, and respond in a Christian manner to various issues of our time. Discussion and questions are always encouraged, as these help us learn and grow in a deeper understanding of God's wisdom and truth.
Other Education Opportunities...
First Communion Class​​
Congregation at Prayer