Children in Worship
At Immanuel Lutheran Church, we want your kids in the Service and not out! We are so happy to have little ones hearing God's Word together with the rest of the congregation.
Please don’t feel embarrassed if your children wiggle and make a bit of noise. Your children are precious to Jesus and are most certainly welcome here in our church.
Although it might seem counterintuitive, if you have younger children, you might consider sitting toward the front of the church where your little ones can easily see the colors, hear the pastor, and embrace the action at the altar.
Wherever you sit, you can encourage your children to participate in the Divine Service even from a very young age! You might ask them to find and point out the crosses around the sanctuary. Or you might softly explain the Liturgy to them, encouraging them to chime in on their parts: "Amen!" "Lord have mercy!" "And with thy Spirit!" "I believe!" "Our Father!" All of that belongs to them too.
Be sure to sing and say and pray your parts too as you stand and sit. Your children learn by following your lead!
Restrooms and our nursery are in the north hallway (to the right from where you entered the building) if you need to take your child out for a moment.
And if you need a little help with your children, just ask! There are lots of folks here who will gladly lend you a hand.
Please know that while you are caring for your children, the rest of us will be rejoicing in Jesus’ words: “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” (Luke 18:16)
We know that your children are a gift to the Church, so we will do our best to welcome, smile, encourage, help, and bless you all. Welcome to Immanuel!
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