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First Communion

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Baptized children of member families who desire the Sacrament of the Altar before Confirmation are brought to the pastor by their parents, who serve as their primary instructors in the faith.


The children receive supplemental instruction from Pastor Wendorff through a series of First Communion classes. In addition to completing these classes, students are to...


  1. Attend Divine Service regularly with their family.

  2. Read through Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation with their parents/family.

  3. Recite the primary texts of Luther's Small Catechism in a church service (or as separately scheduled):

    • The Ten Commandments​

    • The Apostles' Creed

    • The Lord's Prayer

    • The Small Catechism's first question and Bible passage for Confession, Baptism, and the Sacrament of the Altar.

    • (+The books of the Old Testament and New Testament)

  4. Complete an examination with parents, Pastor Wendorff, and Immanuel's Elders.


In addition to this, and most importantly, the children confess their sins and their trust in Jesus Christ along with an understanding of the bodily presence of the risen Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar.


They then undergo the “Rite for First Communion” as it is endorsed by the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and provided for in the Agenda for the Lutheran Service Book.​​


There is no specific age or grade for First Communion.​ Children who are admitted to the altar in this way make vows similar to those of Confirmation including a promise, with the help of God, to continue receiving instruction.​​


First Communion classes are offered on Sunday evenings (5:30-6:00pm) for 10 weeks in the Fall. Children who enroll in the class are expected to have the (above mentioned) primary texts already memorized.


Children tend to take this class several years in a row until their parents want them to be confirmed through the Rite of Confirmation. Then they also attend a (similar) 10 week class in the Spring where they are expected to have all parts of Luther’s Small Catechism memorized.


Parents are expected to stay with their children during the class and also to attend weekly worship with them. This reinforces the authority of the parent and their responsibility to their child's development.​


Other Education Opportunities...

Sunday School

Adult Bible Class

First Communion Class​​

Confirmation Class

Men's Group

Women's Guild

Congregation at Prayer

Over the Rainbow Preschool

Regular Service Times

Sunday: Divine Service 8:30 a.m.
Sunday: Adult Bible Class and Children's Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

Monday: Prayer Service 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday: Adult Bible Class 10:00 a.m.
Private confession by appointment.

101 East View Place

Osceola, IA 50213 (Map)

Email Us

Church: (507) 766-2165

Preschool: (641) 342-3121

©2023 by Immanuel Lutheran Church - Osceola, IA

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